
🖌️ 设计理念

我们在Alpaca Finance中设计了许多可配置的参数。虽然最初的参数配置是由核心开发人员来设定的,但我们已经计划来让治理社区通过投票的方式,来决定是否更改配置参数。


时间锁 Timelock 是一个延迟本项目更改生效的智能合约。这个时间锁合约,是 Alpaca Finance 项目上所有合约的拥有者(owner)。因此,每一次合约变更生效都需要通过这个时间锁合约,使得时间锁合约作为护城河来保障资金安全。



  • 所有的资金池合约

  • 公平发行合约

  • 所有的系统运行合约

  • 所有价格预言机合约

  • 所有系统配置合约

✏️ ​多重签名钱包

作为附加的安全层,我们还使用了多重签名钱包。任何要伫列 (queue)  进入我们的 Timelock 合约的更改都需要经过多重签名的批准,从而增加了另一层安全性。

多重签名目前有 4 个签名者,至少需要 2 个签名者才能签署交易。

⚙️ 可调参数

本节列出了 Alpaca Finance 项目中所有可调参数和函数

FairLaunch Contract / 公平发行合约

  • addPool(_allocatedPoint, _stakeToken, _withUpdate)

    • _allocatedPoint = How many points assign to this pool. This will affect the ALPACAs distribution per block.

    • _stakeToken = The address of a required staking token.

    • _withUpdate = A flag for updatePool calculation

  • setPool(_pid, _allocatedPoint, _withUpdate)

    • _pid = Pool ID that you wish to adjust the point

    • _allocatedPoint = New points to be assign to this pool. This will affect the ALPACAs distribution per block.

    • _withUpdate = A flag for updatePool calculation

  • setBonus(_bonusMultiplier, _bonusEndBlock, _bonusLockUpBps)

    • _bonusMultiplier = Multiplier that will be applied during the bonus period

    • _bonusEndBlock = The block number that bonus will be ended

    • _bonusLockUpBps = % of bonus that is earned in the bonus period to be locked

Vault Contract / 资金池合约

  • updateConfig(_newConfig)

    • _newConfig = A new contract that is implemented IVaultConfig interface

  • setFairLaunchPoolId(_pid)

    • _pid = Pool ID on Fair Contract that the staking token is debtToken owned by Vault

  • withdrawReserve(_to, _amount)

    • _to = The address to receive amount

    • _amount = The amount to be withdrawn from the reserve

  • redeuceReserve(_amount)

    • _amount = Reduce reserve portion for treasury management

PancakeswapWorker Contract / PancakeswapWorker 合约

  • setReinvestBountyBps(_newBountyBps)

    • _newBountyBps = A new bounty that the bounty hunter will get when they trigger reinvest

  • setStrategyOk(_strategyAddresses, _ok)

    • _strategyAddresses = Addresses for the strategy contract

    • _ok = Can be either true or false. If the _strategyAddresses above need to be disabled then set _ok = false

  • setCriticalStrategies(_addStrategy, _liquidateStrategy)

    • _addStrategy = Set default addStrategy

    • _liquidateStrategy = Set default liquidateStrategy

SimplePriceOracle Contract / 价格预言机合约

  • setFeeder(_address)

    • _address = The address of a new feeder


  • setParams(_minDebtSize, _interestRate, _reservePoolBps, _killBps, _wrappedNative, _fairLaunch)

    • _minDebtSize = The minimum required for borrower to loan from the pool

    • _interestRate = Interest rate per second

    • _reservePoolBps = % to be put in reserve pool in BPS

    • _killBps = % that bounty hunters will get when they liquidate the position

    • _wrappedNative = Address of the wNative token

    • _fairLaunch = Address of the fair launch contract

  • setWorker(_workerAddress, _isWorker, _acceptDebt, _workFactor, _killFactor)

    • _workerAddress = The address of the worker

    • _isWorker = The flag to set if this is worker

    • _acceptDebt = The flag to set if this worker is accepting the debt

    • _workFactor = The flag threshold to prevent user from over leverage

    • _killFactor = The flag threshold to mark if position can be liquidated


  • setParams(_minDebtSize, _reservePoolBps, _killBps, _interestModelAddress, _wrappedNative, _fairLaunch)

    • _minDebtSize = The minimum required for borrower to loan from the pool

    • _reservePoolBps = % to be put in reserve pool in BPS

    • _killBps = % that bounty hunters will get when they liquidate the position

    • _interestModelAddress = Address of the interest model

    • _wrappedNative = Address of the wNative token

    • _fairLaunch = Address of the fair launch contract


  • setOracle(_newOracleAddress)

    • _newOracleAddress = The new oracle address

  • setConfigs([ ]_WorkerAddress, [ ]_configs)

    • [ ]_WorkerAddress = address of worker

    • [ ]_configs = Config object including:

      • _acceptDebt

      • _workFactor = The flag threshold to prevent user from over leverage

      • _killFactor = The flag threshold to mark if position can be liquidated

      • _maxPriceDiff

Last updated