Pool de SpookySwap
Le tableau ci-dessous décrit les paramètres propres à chaque pool :
Work Factor: Taux d'endettement maximal lors de l'ouverture d'une position
Seuil de liquidation : Taux d'endettement maximal, au-delà duquel une position peut être liquidée
Pools SpookySwap FTM
Pools SpookySwap USDC
Pools FTM SpookySwap
Pool | Work Factor (levier max) | Liquidation Threshold |
FTM-BOO | 66.67% (3.0x) | 83.33% |
FTM-USDC | 66.67% (3.0x) | 83.33% |
FTM-wETH | 66.67% (3.0x) | 83.33% |
FTM-DAI | 66.67% (3.0x) | 83.33% |
FTM-fUSDT | 66.67% (3.0x) | 83.33% |
FTM-MIM | 66.67% (3.0x) | 83.33% |
FTM-BTC | 66.67% (3.0x) | 83.33% |
Addresses de pools
SpookySwap: FTM-BOO 0xEc7178F4C41f346b2721907F5cF7628E388A7a58
SpookySwap: FTM-USDC 0x2b4c76d0dc16be1c31d4c1dc53bf9b45987fc75c
SpookySwap: FTM-wETH 0xf0702249F4D3A25cD3DED7859a165693685Ab577
SpookySwap: FTM-DAI 0xe120ffBDA0d14f3Bb6d6053E90E63c572A66a428
SpookySwap: FTM-fUSDT 0x5965E53aa80a0bcF1CD6dbDd72e6A9b2AA047410
SpookySwap: FTM-MIM 0x6f86e65b255c9111109d2D2325ca2dFc82456efc
SpookySwap: FTM-BTC 0xFdb9Ab8B9513Ad9E419Cf19530feE49d412C3Ee3
SpookySwap USDC Pools
Pool | Work Factor (levier max) | Liquidation Threshold |
USDC-FTM | 66.67% (3.0x) | 83.33% |
Addresses de pools
SpookySwap: USDC-FTM 0x2b4c76d0dc16be1c31d4c1dc53bf9b45987fc75c
** Work factors and Liquidation thresholds may be adjusted from time to time to balance risks and rewards for all users on Alpaca Finance's platform. In addition, while the core developers will set the initial values, the Governance community will be able to vote to change these parameters going forward.
Last updated