AIP-22: AlperpとAF2.0のマーケティング予算
In order to grow the user base of AF2.0 and Alperp, we have been working with influencers and communities to help promote our products. The rewards programs, in and of themselves, are the biggest marketing efforts, but below includes some of the additional marketing we did:
PR Articles
AMAs: -- BNB Chain -- Open Ocean -- Space ID -- Moonaco Podcast -- Hacken
While these channels have helped promote us for free given the past relationships and the reputation of Alpaca Finance, many high-quality marketing channels are exclusively paid channels. With that in mind, we seek to expand our marketing efforts to take advantage of these paid channels.
We are proposing a budget of 175,000 ALPACA (~$35K USD) to help with marketing of the two new products. We propose that the budget is funded from the unused Feb’s emissions. The amount proposed is ~50% of the Feb’s emissions.
The budget will be used for paid marketing channels which include:
Group/KOL AMAs
Trading Groups
Paid tweets from KOLs
We will only use the budget as required and on channels we believe provide the best return on the $ spent. Feel free to give your thoughts and opinions below.
This AIP will be a single choice voting.
A YES vote would create the marketing budget from Feb emissions.
A NO vote would not create a budget.
We think the amount is sufficient for now, and since it is a relatively small amount, we also think voting about decreasing it isn’t worthwhile either.
The community voted to create the marketing budget from Feb emissions.
Last updated
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