Bridging Alpies from BNB Chain to ETH

To bridge your Alpies from the BNB Chain to Ethereum, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Under the Source section, select BNB Chain and connect to the BNB Chain wallet address that stores your Alpies.

Step 2: Choosing source chain

Step 3: After you have connected your wallet, choose the Alpie that you wish to bridge from BNB Chain to ETH by clicking "Select a token". You can choose from the NFT list, or search the NFT using Alpies contract address and the token ID. The selected NFT will be shown on the screen after the search is completed. After verifying the NFT, click the Next button. You'll then be forwarded to the Target section.

Alpies contract address (BNB Chain): 0x57A7c5d10c3F87f5617Ac1C60DA60082E44D539e

Step 3: The selected NFT showing on the screen for you to verify

Step 4: Under the Target section, select Ethereum. After choosing the target chain, click the Next button. You'll then be forwarded to the Send NFT section.

Step 4: Choosing target chain

Step 5: Under the Send NFT section, you will be asked to initiate a transfer transaction on BNB Chain. Click Transfer to initiate the transaction. When the transaction is completed, you'll be forwarded to the Redeem NFT section.

Step 5: Initiate a transfer transaction

Step 6: Under the Redeem NFT section, you will be asked to initiate a redeem transaction on Ethereum. Click Redeem to receive the NFT on Ethereum.

Step 6: Redeeming the NFT on Ethereum

Step 7: Your Alpie has been bridged successfully to Ethereum! It will be in the same wallet address.

Bridged Alpies Contract Address: 0x8cfde2c0c4e2474fe6dc3cef1bb908caa4a37f78

If you leave the page before completing the Redeem step, you will need this transfer transaction hash to redeem the NFT on Ethereum.

Only Alpies bridged or native to BNB Chain will be able to take advantage of utility on Alpaca Finance's platform; e.g., staking for higher leverage, etc.

When you "select the token", If "loading available token" seems stuck, please proceed with the manual steps as follows:

Last updated