📈Profit/Loss Calculation

Users can check the performance of their positions within the P&L tooltips in the "Your Positions" section of the Portfolio Page. We explain the calculations below:

⚠️ Please note that this feature is still currently in Beta. Data might not be available when BNB Chain Archive Node is unstable (during a period of high traffic).

P&L calculation currently only includes yield farming rewards & trading fees. It does not include ALPACA rewards, which could be a significant portion of revenues in certain pools (i.e. stablecoin-stablecoin pairs).

Position Value:

LP Amount:

  • Left-hand side: Amount of LP tokens you started with. Besides for starting equity, this value also accounts for added/removed collateral&debt from adjusting/partially closing the position at any point.

  • Right-hand side: Number of LP tokens currently in your position.

Position Assets:

  • Left-hand side: Amount of assets you started with. Besides for starting assets, this value also accounts for added/removed assets from adjusting/partially closing the position at any point.

  • Right-hand side: Assets currently in your position.

Total Position Value (USD):

  • Left-hand side: Position value you started with denominated in USD. This is calculated using asset prices at the time of position opening, as well as prices at the time of later transactions(adjusting/partially closing).

  • Right-hand side: Your current position value in USD.

Debt Value (XXX):

  • Left-hand side: Debt value that you started with, denominated in the borrowed asset.

  • Right-hand side: Your current debt value denominated in the borrowed asset.

Equity Value (XXX):

  • Left-hand side: Equity value that you started with, denominated in the borrowed asset.

  • Right-hand side: Your current equity value denominated in the borrowed asset.

Equity Value (USD):

  • Left-hand side: Equity value that you started with, denominated in USD.

  • Right-hand side: Your current equity value denominated in USD.


  • Entry Prices: Assets' prices at the time of position opening. (weighted-avg. if you later adjusted / partially closed that position).

  • Current Prices: Current asset prices.


  • Position opened on: Date and time when position was opened.

  • Farm Duration: Time elapsed since position opening date.

Last updated