Manage a Leveraged Position
To manage a leveraged position, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go to Trade page.
Step 2: Under the graph, go to Positions (#) tab.
Step 3: Click Edit at the right of the position that you want to manage.
Step 4: At the top-left dropdown list, choose action (i.e., Deposit Collateral, Withdraw Collateral) that you wish to perform.
Step 4.1: If you choose Deposit Collateral
Choose the asset you want to deposit as collateral (e.g., BTCB, BNB, USDT) and specify the amount you want to deposit.
Click on the Adjust Position to deposit the collateral. You should get a pop-up from your Web3 wallet (i.e., Metamask) where you'll need to confirm the transaction.
Step 4.2: If you choose Withdraw Collateral
Choose the asset you want to receive (e.g., BTCB, BNB, USDT) and specify the amount you want to withdraw (in USD).
Click on the Adjust Position to withdraw the collateral. You should get a pop-up from your Web3 wallet (i.e., Metamask) where you'll need to confirm the transaction.
Last updated